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Drawing For Hope | Sophie | Civil Engineer |

Drawing For Hope as the name itself says drawing for a cause which is pure, genuine, pice. I took up this topic for cause attached behind it. Drawing For Hope was started by a young and dynamic Brazilian girl for the sake and upliftment of animals in the society. Yes for the animals, a girl in her twenties is making art and raising funds for NGO.

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How many of us do that? Very few of us right. So I got to about “Drawing For Hope” through Facebook where I saw some great pictures which were in the form of art. I am placing some of them here in this article as well.


As the pictures are no doubt stunning, I was forced to see the hands behind them, I bump into the page scrolled the pictures went to the website. All I wanted was to let the people of India and of the entire world to know about this young girl Sophie.

french bulldog

Drawing for hope established by Sophie
Sophie  is a 21-year-old civil engineer from brazil having art as a hobby, but I must say she is highly talented.

Check Out Her Facebook Page

tiger drawing

She is down to earth and says – She loved to draw and paint, especially animals, whereas this art became a passion when she realized that she could sell these arts in order to buy more art materials. This way she started making new portraits and paintings of animals and sell these too.

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The money she earns from all these, she spends it all in saving the animals. Isn’t it unbelievable, having such thought at such a young age?

Check Out Her Instagram Page

cat collars unibyc

You must be thinking from where she gets inspired from? She said a wonderful line which I would like to quote here – “My inspiration and loves comes from nature, so I need to help it stay alive and that is what keeps me focused”.

cats unibyc

Now here the images you see are just flawless. But for such perfection, she has worked hard like anything. The day she decided to use the money for the upliftment and betterment of the society, she didn’t start in just one go. She planned everything. Her first step was to improve her skills with an utter dedication to the point she feels she is ready.

drawing for hope unibyc

And after so much sweat, the day came when she felt confident and was ready to make a change.

drawing for hope

You must be thinking how she works. She sells the paintings and the portions that she gets is donated to an NGO, for which she volunteers for. The name of the NGO is not revealed but I can give a small information about the NGO.

drawing for hope sopie unibyc

The NGO helps cats and dogs from the streets and raise them like there own. They take care of them until they are ready to get adopted and join their new family. Sophie Reitermann nam helps the NGO in buying food, treatments, and other essentials.

sophie unibyc

She is unstoppable! What makes me say this as she says – “I want to go further! I want to reach a point where I can help even more to protect the wildlife and their habitat”.What a wonderful vision! After meeting Sophie I am very inspired and became a fan.

This article is a tribute to her hard work and supports the wonderful cause. Share your comments here below. We would like to hear from you also what you think.


Post Author: Team Unibyc

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3 thoughts on “Drawing For Hope | Sophie | Civil Engineer |

    Shiva raj

    (November 1, 2017 - 4:50 pm)

    Yes she is an inspiration. Hey Sophie if you can read this you are doing a great job and so as you for letting us aware of these people. Will bookmark your website for sure


    (November 1, 2017 - 5:05 pm)

    Wow great article, I have become a fan of your writing and kudos Sophie you are an inspiration. Loved your work


    (November 2, 2017 - 4:44 am)

    Great article, loved it

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